Jason Boulanger

Jason Boulanger
White Buffalo, Inc. Wildlife Management | Conservation | Invasive Species Managementjason.boulanger@whitebuffaloinc.org (860) 853-8142 Additional website
Dr. Jay Boulanger is the President of White Buffalo Inc., a non-profit management and research conservation organization that was established in 1995 and dedicated to the conservation of native species and ecosystems. Prior to that Jay served as a tenured wildlife professor at the University of North Dakota where his research focused on the ecology and management of large mammals and human-wildlife conflicts in rural and urban landscapes. Jay also served seven years as coordinator for Cornell University’s Integrated Deer Research and Management Program where he researched deer surgical sterilization and hunting as potential tools to help reduce overabundant deer and their impacts. He received his B.S. degree in natural resources from the University of Vermont (1995), M.S. degree in wildlife sciences from South Dakota State University (2001), and Ph.D. degree in wildlife science from Cornell University (2007). Jay is a Certified Wildlife Biologist with The Wildlife Society.