Toby Hibbitts

Toby Hibbitts
Research Scientist
Texas A&M University Herpetology | Wildlife (979) 845-5783 Curriculum Vitae Additional website
Dr. Toby Hibbitts joined the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute in 2012 as a research scientist. His research program focuses on amphibians and reptiles. He is interested in natural history, ecology, behavior and taxonomy. All of these factors are important for making informed conservation decisions about species.
Toby also works as the curator of amphibians and reptiles at the Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collection at Texas A&M University.
He received a Bachelor of Science in biology from Midwestern State University, a Master of Science in wildlife and fisheries sciences from Texas A&M and a doctorate in animal, plant and environmental science from the University of the Witwatersrand.
Toby comes from a family of Texas naturalists and enjoys outdoor sporting activities and travel.